What did Ingalihiker find regarding male and female brains?
Females had better communication between their hemispheres, allowing for multi-tasking, while males had better communication within their hemispheres for complexproblem solving.
What is androgyny according to the study material?
Androgyny is a state where individuals possess both male and female traits, allowing them to adapt to situations and is considered psychologically healthy.
What is a weakness of the BSRI mentioned in the study material?
A weakness of the BSRI is that it is a self-reportexperiment, which may lead to dishonest answers as participants might respond in a socially desirable manner.
What did Van de Poll's experiment with female rats demonstrate?
Van de Poll's experiment showed that injecting testosterone into female rats led to increased aggression, indicating a link between testosterone and aggression.
What is a weakness of the biological approach to gender?
A weakness is that it is reductionist, reducing gender to genes, hormones, and chromosomes while ignoring thought processes and environmental influences.
A weakness is that social immaturity may be influenced by environmental factors, as many individuals with Turner syndrome become isolated during puberty.