Cards (4)

  • Explain why the presence of microorganisms on the skin and gut help to prevent pathogens from multiplying
    Flora in the gut and skin are better adapted to the conditions
    Therefore they can outcompete pathogenic organisms
    Bacteria in the gut secrete chemicals which help destroy pathogens
  • Explain why the destruction of T helper cells causes the symptoms of AIDS.
    lack of T helper cells reduces cytokine production
    therefore a reduction in activation of B cells
    this causes a decrease in antibody production
    this weakens the immune system, increasing risk of infection
  • Suggest why treatment with antibiotics may not be effective against the dormant bacteria in the tubercles.
    bacteria are inside macrophages therefore bacteria is not accessible to the antibiotics.
  • State two characteristic features of antibodies
    have a antigen binding site
    contain a disulphide bridge