Segment of DNA that codes for a specificphenotypictrait
Differentversions of a gene
Set of genes in the DNA which is responsible for a particularphenotypictrait
Physicalexpression of an trait
Can be expressed as a protein or physicallyobservablecharacteristic
Results in four genetically uniquedaughtercells (gametes)
Each with halfthenumber of chromosomes of the parentcell
Crossing Over
Alleles are exchanged between non-sisterchromatids of homologouschromosomes
Results in newcombinations of alleles on a chromosome
Producesvariation of genotypes upon fertilisation
Independent Assortment
Genes and alleles of onetrait are inheritedindependently of anothertrait
Producesnewvariation of genotypes at lociacrosschromosomes
Random Segregation
Alleles of the samegeneseparaterandomly and equally into daughtercells
Producesnewvariation of genotypes at lociacrosschromosomes
Genetic Variation from Fertilisation
Human male ejaculatesapprox.300millionsperm
Each of the sperm is geneticallyunique due to crossing over, independentassortment and randomsegregation
Only onefertilises the egg (determined by chance)
Results in billions of possiblegenotypecombinations that can be expressed in the phenotype of the offspring
Permanent change in the nucleotidesequence of the DNA
Can be harmful, beneficial or neutral
Essential for evolution (genetictraits were originally the result of a mutation)
Somatic Mutation
Occurs in a bodycell and is notpassed onto offspring
Gametic Mutation
Occurs in a sexcell and is heritable (can be inherited by offspring)
Leads to the formation of newalleles
Substitution Mutation (Nonsense)
Change in oneDNAbasepair
Instead of substitutingone amino acid for another the altered DNA sequencesignals the cell to stopbuilding a protein
Likely to lead to large-scalechanges in the aminoacidsequence and polypeptidelength resulting in a nonfunctionalprotein
Substitution Mutation (Missense)
Change in oneDNAbasepair that results in the substitution of oneamino acid for another in the resulting polypeptide
Can have a range of phenotypiceffects
Frameshift Mutation (Insertion)
Insertion of a nucleotide that shifts the sequence
Likely to lead to large-scalechanges in aminoacidsequence and polypeptidelength resulting in a nonfunctionalprotein
Frameshift Mutation (Deletion)
Deletion of a nucleotide that shifts the sequence
Likely to lead to large-scalechanges in aminoacidsequence and polypeptidelength resulting in a nonfunctionalprotein
Bothalleles are the same for a particularcharacteristic/trait (eg. TT or tt)
Alleles are different for a particulartrait (eg. Tt)
Dominant Allele
Alwaysexpressed in the phenotype.
Homozygous (TT) dominantindividual will have the samephenotype as a heterozygous (Tt) individual
Recessive Allele
Can only be expressed in the phenotype when the genotype is homozygous (tt)
Gregor Mendel
Austrianmonk and botanist
Often referred to as the ‘father of moderngenetics’ for his inheritancestudies of peaplants
Worked with purebreeding plants (TT or tt) and then hybrids (Tt), studying the inheritance of oneparticulartrait at a time through monohybridcrosses
Demonstrated that characteristics were inherited in a specificpattern
Gregor Mendel's Results
Inheritance is not a blending of characteristics
Inheritance is controlled by a pair of factors; one from eachparent (which we now know are genes/alleles)
These twofactorssegregate from oneanother when sexcells are formed
Characteristics are either dominant or recessive
Ratios of varioustypes of offspring from twoparents were able to be predicted using mathematicalcalculations.
Specific gene is located on numbered, or non-sexchromosomes
Monohybrid Cross
Study of inheritance of a singletrait (characteristic)
Monohybridcrosses only have twopossibleoutcomes
All of Mendel’smonohybridcrossesdisplayed the dominantcharacteristic in the phenotype of the F1generation
Crossingbetween the F1offspringalwaysyields a characteristic3:1 ratio of dominant:recessivephenotypes in the following F2generation
Visual charts that show familial lineages and relationships
Used to trackinheritedtraits and geneticdisorders
Can be used to predict the likelihood of offspringhavinginheritedtraits or geneticdisorders
Refers to genes that are located on the sexchromosomes
XX in females and XY in males
Most sex-linked characteristics are found on the Xchromosome and recessive
Normal 3:1Mendelianratio is notobserved
Thomas Hunt Morgan
Discoveredsex-linkage in 1910
Attempted to repeatMendel’swork in an animalmodel; eyecolour in Drosophilia melanogaster (fruitflies). Redeye allele was dominantoverwhiteallele (which he developed as a mutation)
Anticipated that the 3:1ratio in F2generation would appearafterinitialtruebreedingcrosses
Observed a disproportionatenumber of white-eyedmales, and concluded the traitmustbelinked to the sexchromosomes
Sex-linked Genotypes (Female)
Normal – XTXT
Carrier - XTXt
Femalewithtrait – XtXt
Sex-linked Genotypes (Male)
Normal – XTY
Malewithtrait – XtY
Occurs when alleles of a genepair in a heterozygote are bothfullyexpressed in the phenotype
Neitherallele is dominant or recessive
Eachallele is represented by a capitalletter
Normal 3:1Mendelianratio is notobserved
Incomplete Dominance
Occurs when oneallele for a specifictrait is notcompletelyexpressedover its pairedallele. This results in a thirdphenotype in which there is a blending of the alleles in the phenotypes
Eachallele is represented by a capitalletter
Normal 3:1Mendelianratio is notobserved
Multiple Allele Inheritance
Occurs when there are three or morepossiblealleles for a gene
While the genotype of anindividual will only ever havetwoalleles at a locus, there is a highernumber of possiblegenotypes (and hence phenotypes) at the locus
Polygenetic Inheritance
Determined by more than onegene, often found on differentchromosomes
Contributinggenesequallyinfluence the phenotype
Results in individualsexpressingvaryingdegrees of a dominant, recessive or intermediatephenotype
Allele Frequency
Describes the fraction of allelecopies for a particulargene in a population
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
Point mutation (single base - G,C,A or T) in a segment of DNA that occurs in morethan1% of a population
MostSNPs are found in the introns (DNAbetweengenes) and have littleeffect on cellularfunction
Exon (gene) SNPs have a moresignificantimpactincluding the development of diseases and disorders
Components of a Gene (DNA)
Exons: Protein-codingregions (1% of DNA)
IntergenicSpace: Most non-codingDNA is located (99% of DNA)
Introns: Non-codingregions that are situatedbetween the exons of eachgene (99% of DNA)
Eachgeneconsists on average of approx.9exons and 8introns
Function of SNPs
Mostcommontype of geneticvariation between individuals occuring every 500-1000 nucleotides (constitutes of 90% geneticvariationbetweenhumans)
SNPs act as chromosomaltags to specificregions of DNA, and these regions can be scanned for variations that maybelinked to diseases or disorder
Uses of SNPs in Genome-Wide Association Studies (Pt.1)
Genome-wide associationstudies (GWAS) rapidlyscan for SNPmarkersacross the genomes of individuals with a knowndisease or disorder and compare them to ‘control’individuals
Significantdifferences in allelefrequencycaused by SNPs are the first step in identifyingcause and effectrelationshipbetween a SNP and a disease
Uses of SNPs in Genome-Wide Association Studies (Pt.2)
Once a link is made, scientistslook to developbettertreatments and diagnostic and preventionstrategies
GWAS have identifiedSNPsrelated to conditionsincludingcancer, diabetes, heartdisease, mentalillness, Parkinson’sdisease, Crohn’sdisease and Alzheimer’sdisease