topic 1

Cards (18)

  • treaty of London 1518:
    signed in London in1518 as a Muslim army from turkey was invading Italy and the pope needed help from Europe.
    Wolsey took it as an opportunity and called the meeting.
    • able to convince Henry to go for a peaceful approach instead of war
    • made peace with the french
    • made Henry look like a great peacemaker (centre of events)
    • failures:
    • Henry didn't get war (no military glory)
    • Wolsey basically made friends with henrys enemies
  • field of cloth of gold 1520:
    signed an alliance treaty with france
    symbolised henrys wealth and success
    the treaty fell through
    • able to look equal to francis
    • had a meal with each others wives to demonstrate trust
    • Wolsey able to avoid war by making spectacular peace
    • failures:
    • spent a fortune to prove his superiority but failed
    • waste of time as Henry joined Charles in war against francis
  • foreign policy 1521-28
    france and Holy Roman Empire:
    protected England from france however Charles didn't want a war with france
    they had different aims
    very close to invading france (close as he ever got)
    war didn't happen due to external factors (Charles)
    didn't actually invade france
    causes biggest uprising against Henry to date
    ran out of money (no money = no war)
  • domestic policies- enclosures:
    common land with fences for their own use. caused unemployment
    increased the number of the wandering poor (vagrants)
    made enemies with landowners
    continued to enclose illegally anyways
  • domestic policies- justice:
    wanted everyone to be treated equally in court
    earl of northumberland imprisoned for refusing to obey a courts decision
    some people were helped by this system
    too many cases for the courts to deal with
    gained more enemies than made friends
  • domestic policies- finance:
    ordinary income= rents, expected to pay the costs of the king and his family
    extraordinary income= taxes to pay for wars
    collected lots of money (£800 k)
    spent more money than what was being raised because of warfare
  • domestic policies- Eltham ordinances
    cost of the royal household was too much
    group of young noblemen in the household were trying to persuade the king to reduce Wolseys power
    was trying to get his marriage annulled at the same time (something that would make Henry like him more)
    none of the changes were made so no money was saved
  • domestic policies- amicable grant
    tax from the 'kindness of peoples hearts'
    people couldn't afford it
    caused a huge rebellion (4000 marched London)
    Wolsey had to abandon the grant and pardon the rebel leaders
  • why did Henry want an annulment- succession
    needed male heir desperately
    Catherine failed to do her duty to the king
    getting to old to concieve
    Mary prepared for role of future wife not to be queen
    no heir means threat of invasion from Yorkists
    no heir means the end of the Tudor dynasty
  • why did Henry want an annulment- invalid marriage
    influenced by Leviticus (said that its bad to marry your brothers wife)
    needed an annulment to 'cleanse his soul'
    Catherine had to go as she physically couldn't give him what he needed; a male heir
  • why did Henry want an annulment- Anne boleyn
    Henry was attracted to the young and beautiful anne
    could potentially give him a male heir
    refused to become his mistress so he HAD to marry her
    believed she was the one to provide him with a male heir (kings great matter)
  • why did the pope not grant an annulment- Charles v
    Charles not allied with henry
    Charles is in control of the pope
    Catherine was Charles's aunt
    Charles couldn't let annulment go ahead as it would be embarrassing for his aunt
    Charles in control of pope and could dictate him
    didn't allow the annnulment
  • why did the pope not grant an annulment- Catherines plea
    declared marriage was legal
    said annulment shouldn't be passes
    stressed her love/ devotion/ loyalty to Henry for 24 years
    won massive sympathy
    held herself with dignity and gained many supporters
    cardinal campeggio felt sorry for her
  • why did the pope not grant an annulment- popes reluctance to contradict
    pope reluctant to go against pope Julius's dispensation (allowed Henry to marry Catherine in the first place)
    pope didn't want other leaders to question his authority and decisions
    damages his papal power
  • why did Wolsey fall from power- failed annulment
    pope recalled the case to rome
    Henry blamed Wolsey as it was his job to get the annulment and his idea to involve the papacy
    left Wolsey open to attack as his enemies in court had chance to persuade Henry to get rid of W
    let to Henry losing trust in wolsey
    Henry relied on trust and loyalty so he saw this as a betrayal from Wolsey
  • why did Wolsey fall from power- nobility
    disliked by nobles due to his lower class upbringing (dad was a butcher)
    eventually led to his downfall as his enemies outsmarted him
  • why did Wolsey fall from power- personality
    he was smart, eager and confident
    very loyal
    but had a luge ambition and lust for power
    lust for power annoyed the nobles- turned them against him
    nobles tried to trick the king into believing he was trying to steal his throne
  • why did Wolsey fall from power- Wolseys letters
    the lords and nobility forged a letter of Wolsey having private conversations with the pope
    classed as treason as he was talking to one of the kings rivals