Oogenesis and the Ovarian Cycle

Cards (14)

  • When does the menstrual cycle usually begins?
  • Menopause - the period in which a woman's reproductive capability ends
  • Oogenesis - the production of the female gametes
  • Oogonia - the female stem cells, the multiply rapidly to increase their number
  • Primary oocytes - the daughter cells of the oogonia
  • Primordial Follicles - a primary oocytes being surrounded by a single layer of cells, which grow to become primary follicle
  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone - stimulates a small number of primary follicles to grow and mature each month, which begins the process of ovulation
  • Ovarian Cycle - constitute to the cyclic changes that occur monthly i the ovary
  • Antrum - fluid in the central chamber
  • Secondary oocyte - the larger cell that appears when the first meiotic division occurs
  • Polar Body - the very tiny cell that appears when the first meiotic division occurs
  • Corona Radiata - a follicle-cell capsule that surrounds the secondary oocyte
  • Luteinizing Hormone - the one that ovulates the oocytes
  • Corpus Luteum - a very different hormone-producing structure that appears when the ruptured follicle transforms