Menstrual Phase - the superficial functional layer of the thick endometrial ling of the uterus is sloughing off from the uterine wall
Proliferative Phase - stimulated by a rising level of estrogens produced by the growing follicles of the ovaries
Proliferative Phase- the basal layer of the endometrium regenerates the functional layer, glands form in it, and the endometrial blood supply increases
Proliferative Phase - the endometrium once again becomes velvety, thick and well vascularized
Proliferative Phase - occurs days 5 to 14
Secretory Phase - a rising level of progesterone production by the corpus luteum acts on the estrogen-primed endometrium and increases its blood supply even more
Secretory Phase - progesterone causes the endometrial glands to grow and begin secreting nutrients into the uterine cavity