Carboxylic acids has the formula group COOH and general formula CnH2n+1COOH
CH3COOH = Ethanol acid another name is Acetic acid
Esters are carboxylic acid + alcohol
Conditions required
An acid catalyst usually H2SO4
Acid catalysed hydrolysis
Ester + Water in acidic conditions would cause equilibrium to shift to the left which means low yield of alcohol and carboxylic acid
Base catalysed hydrolysis
Where sodium hydroxide NaOH is reacted with the ester and water to make a carboxylate salt and cause equilibrium to shift to right to increaseyield of alcohol made
Carboxylate salt naming e.g. CH3CH2COONA would be called sodiumpropanoate
Glycerol + 3 Fatty acids = Tri-ester which would be used to make vegetableoil and fats
Glycerol is an alcohol so it's IUPAC naming would be propane-1,2,3-triol
Acid hydrolysis of triesters
Triesters + 3H2O in acidic conditions would react to form glycerol and 3 fatty acids
Base hydrolysis of a triester
Triester + 3H2O with 3NaOH would react to form glycerol and soap
In soap, the polar end ( the Na+O- bit) would interact with water while the non polar tail interacts with the grease or fat on dirty plates then the waterwashes it off
Methanol + Fatty acids react to form Biodiesel and water
Uses of esters
Solvents for reaction
Plasticisers ( something added to plastics to make it malleable which means flexible)
The acyl group formula is RCO-x ( R-C=O)
x can be an OR which would form an ester , Cl which would form acid chlorides and OCOR which forms acid anhydrides
Nucleophilic addition elimination in acid chlorides
Three substances go through nucleophilic addition elimination with acid chloride
Water which forms a carboxylic acid and hydrogen chloride
Alcohol ( forms an ester and hydrogen chloride)
Ammonia (forms an amide and hydrogen chloride e.g. ethanamide )
Nucleophilic addition elimination
Amides would react with any of the carboxylic derivatives e.g. esters, acidchlorides and acidanhydrides would form N-substitudedamides
In industries acid anhydrides are preferred to acid chlorides because
It's safer ( HCl is a toxic gas)
Carboxylic acids form which can be used so 100% atomeconomy
It's cheaper
Preparation of aspirin
Salicylic acid + either ethanoic anhydride and ethanol chloride would form aspirin