Idea that language change is not a logical and ordered process - - - =- > Predicative text in birth of technology > 'cool' corrected and 'book', people used 'book' to say 'cool'
Wave theory
Model of language change that likens it it to throwing a stone in a pond with ripples representing a change spreading from a central point
Wave theory
Model of language change that likens it it to throwing a stone in a pond with ripples representing a change spreading from a central point
> Wave Model:
New forms of language start at centre
The spread of features from the original user to a wider population
Jean Aitchison - "Language change progress or decay"
S Curve:
New forms of speech curve description view takes off at first
Curve plateaus, innovation becomes dominant but older forms may be in existence
Creation of a new word, phrase, meaning or way of saying something
Sometimes initially perceived as a mistake
Wave theory
Model of language change that likens it it to throwing a stone in a pond with ripples representing a change spreading from a central point
> Wave Model:
New forms of language start at centre
Spikes in language use
When a word is used by influencer (e.g. celebrities) word used/language feature may acquire covert prestige
Substratum theory
Influences on different language forms come into contact with English
Happens mainly through languages of non native speakers or regional dialects coming into contact with English
e.g. The Norman invasion of England 1066
Normans brought French into middle English language - French adopted into ruling class and into higher social classes who were linked to education and religion
How language change is cemented
SELECTION - language selected, variety selected, usually prestigious ones
CODIFICATION - Reduction of internal variability, establishment of nouns, lexis and grammatical features/structures and spelling
ELABORATION - Selected language is developed for variety of purposes - may involve expansion of linguistic resources
IMPLEMENTATION - The standard must be given currency by making texts available in it encouraging users to develop pride and loyalty
Ways which language borrows words/features
Invasion - brings features of invading force's language