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  • Overcrowding and the Slums
    • Many people were forced to move to cities for work
    • Housing was often crowded and streets became filthy as the sewers could not cope
    • Coal smoke and smog chocked the air
    • Effect on Public Health: people developed health problems from the dirty conditions, in over crowded houses disease spread quickly, bad sewers made it hard to find safe drinking water, smoke caused health problems
  • How was Overcrowding and the Slums solved?
    • Edwin Chadwick investigating living conditions and found that dirt and overcrowding lead to disease, he believed this lead to miasma
    • He was incorrect but this partially solved the problem
  • Solution: Acts of Parliament:
    • 1875 Public Health Act councils had to: charge taxes to appoint local board of health, appoint medical officer to be in charge of health and inspectors to ensure improvements were being made, maintain safe water supply and sewers, improve quality of new streets and houses