Quadratic equations

Cards (19)

  • What is a quadratic equation?
    Contains terms including x2x^2
  • How is a quadratic equation generally written?
    As ax2+ax^2 +bx+ bx +c= c =0 0
  • What do the letters a, b, and c represent in a quadratic equation?
    They are numbers in the equation
  • What are examples of quadratic equations?
    1. 2x22x3=2x^2 - 2x - 3 =0 0
    2. 2x2+2x^2 +6x= 6x =0 0
    3. x2+x^2 +2= 2 =4 4
    4. 3x2=3x^2 =48 48
  • How do you solve the equation 3x2=3x^2 =48 48?

    Divide both sides by 33
  • What is the next step after dividing 3x2=3x^2 =48 48 by 33?

    Square root both sides
  • What is the result of x2=\sqrt{x^2} =16 \sqrt{16}?

    x=x =±4 \pm 4
  • What is the principle behind solving quadratic equations by factorising?
    • If the product of two numbers is 0
    • Then one or both numbers must be 0
    • Example: If ab=ab =0 0, then a=a =0 0 or b=b =0 0
  • What can you conclude if (x+1)(x+2)=(x+1)(x+2) =0 0?

    x+x+1=1 =0 0 or x+x+2=2 =0 0
  • What is factorising in the context of quadratic equations?
    Putting expression into brackets
  • What is the result of x(x+3)=x(x+3) =0 0?

    x=x =0 0 or x=x =3 -3
  • What are the characteristics of the graph of a quadratic function?
    • Curved graph with a line of symmetry
    • Smooth line with one turning point
    • Graph of y=y =ax2+ ax^2 +bx+ bx +c c
  • What does it mean if a quadratic graph crosses the x-axis?
    The values of x are the roots of the equation
  • What happens if a quadratic equation has one solution?
    The graph touches the x-axis without crossing
  • What does it indicate if a quadratic equation has no solution?
    The graph doesn't touch or cross the x-axis
  • How can roots be found graphically for a quadratic function?
    • Draw the graph of y=y =ax2+ ax^2 +bx+ bx +c c
    • Solutions are x-coordinates where it crosses the x-axis
  • What are the roots/solutions of the quadratic equation x2+x^2 +x6= x - 6 =0 0?

    3-3 and 22
  • How do you factorise the equation x2+x^2 +x6= x - 6 =0 0?

    It gives (x+3)(x2)=(x + 3)(x - 2) =0 0
  • How can you check the solutions of a quadratic equation?
    By using the graph method