Duck's Phase Model

Cards (7)

  • What is Ducks Phase Model?
    Phase model of relationship breakdown that goes through four phases, this is not a one-off proccess and takes time.
  • Whats the first stage in Duck's Phase Model?
    • Intra - psychic phase
    Cognitive processes within the individual. There is a focus on the partners shortcomings as the individual mulls their thoughts over privately.
  • What is the second stage of Duck's Phase Model?
    • Dyadic Phase
    The two partners cannot avoid talking about their relationship, there is a series of confrontations in which the relationship is disscused and dissatisfactions are arised. There are two possible outcomes - a
    determination to break the relationship up or a motivation to repair it.
    Overall self-disclosure increases and becomed deeper and more frequent.
  • What is the third phase of Ducks Model?
    • Social Phase
    The break up is made public between the partners social networks, mutual friends find themselves having to 'choose a side'.
    This is usually the point of no return.
  • What is the last phase of Duck's Pase Model?
    • Grave - dressing Phase
    The aftermath of the relationship. A 'story' is created allowing the partners to maintain a positive image (usually at the expense of the other partner)
    Partners may also have their own personal story which can differ from their public one.
  • Real-world application for Duck's Phase Model
    Suggests ways in which relationship breakdown can be reversed as it recognises different repair strategies are more effective at different points in the relationship.
    For example, Duck (1994) suggested people in the Intra-psychic phase could focus their worrying onto the positive aspects of the other partner.
    Also a feature of the Dyadic phase is communication, any attempt to improve this could be beneficial in stabilising the relationship.
  • Limtation of Duck's Phase Model.
    The model s based on reseach from individalist cultures (USA).
    Moghaddem et al (1993) found that relationships in collectivist cultures are less easy to end and involve wider family. This means that the model would not be useful in all cultures.