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  • who is associated with emotivism?
    A.J Ayer
  • what did he say about moral statements?
    they cannot be verified synthetically or analytically
  • they are simply expressions of preference, attitude or feelings. There are no truths or facts at all
  • it is a anti-realist theory
  • what did he say morality comes from?
    our emotional response to situations
  • what did he say about "boo" and "hurrah"?
    when we say murder is wrong we are simply saying murder is "boo". when we say charity is good we are simply saying charity is "hurray"
  • they are expressions of approval or disapproval not assertions
  • when you say theft is wrong. your simply saying you disapprove of theft.
  • what did C.L Stevenson add to emotivisms?
    when making moral statements we are expressing our emotional response to a situation and also persuade others to have the same emotional response. Language (moral language) use 2 principles descriptive and dynamic uses