
Cards (13)

  • what is controlled by hormones?
    water reabsorption
  • What is theψ of the blood monitored by
    cells called osmoreceptors
  • Where are osmoreceptors located
  • What happens when the ψ of the blood decreases
    Water will move out of the osmoreceptor cells by osmosis
    = causes cells to decrease in volume
    = this sends signal to other cells in hypothalamus , which send a signal to the posterior pituitary gland
    = causes the posterior pituitary gland to release a hormone - ADH
  • ADH =

    antidiuretic hormone
  • what does ADH do
    Makes the WALLS of the DCT and collecting duct MORE PERMEABLE TO WATER
  • ADH makes walls of collecting duct and DCT more permeable to water- what does this mean
    This means more water is reabsorbed from these tubules into the medulla and into the blood by osmosis
    • small amount of concentrated urine produced = less water lost from the body
  • What is dehydration
    dehydration= what happens when you lose water
    • so the water content of blood needs to be increased
  • How do we lose water -EXAMPLE
    sweating during exercise
  • When does blood ADH level rise

    when you're dehydrated
  • when does blood adh fall
    when you are hydrated
  • What happens to increase the water content of the blood?
    • Water content of blood drops, so its ψ drops
    • This is detected by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus
    • The posterior pituitary gland is stimulated to release more ADH into the blood
    • More ADH= the DCT and collecting duct become more permeable= more water reabsorbed into blood by osmosis
    • a small amount of highly concentrated urine produced & less water is lost
  • What happens when you're hydrated
    • water content of blood rises , so its ψ  rises
    • this is detected by osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus
    • the posterior pituitary gland releases LESS ADH into the blood
    • less ADH = DCT and collecting duct become less permeable = less water reabsorbed into blood by osmosis
    • a large amount of dilute urine is produced and more water lost