
Cards (10)

  • circuit conclusions in series

    potential difference is provided by cells
    current depends on PD and resistance V=IR
    more lamps = more resistance
    more cells, same lamps, more current
    more lamps in series, same cells, less current
    adding resistors in series just adds up
    Rt = R1+R2+R3
    same PD, more resistance
  • resistance rule for components in series 

    adding more resistors in series increases the total resistance of the circuit . this is because the potential difference is shared between more resistors, and as a result the potential difference across each of them is less than before, and as the total potential difference is unchanged, the total resistance is therefore larger.
  • potential difference in series
    in series, potential difference is shared between lamps and provided by cells.
  • if one component is removed or disconnected, the circuit is broken and all components stop. this is why few practical circuits are connected in series
  • in a series circuits, there is a bigger potential difference when more cells are in series, provided that the cells are connected in the same way.
  • in a series circuit, the total potential difference is shared among the various components so the potential differences of each component add up to the total potential difference of the sources
  • current is the same throughout a series circuit. the size of the current is determined by the total potential difference and the total resistance.
  • in a series circuit the total resistance is the sum of the resistance of the components.
  • in a series circuit, current is the same everywhere so current is reduced when a resistor is added while the resistance of the circuit increases.
  • the bigger a components resistance in series, the bigger its potential difference