parasocial relationships

    Cards (9)

    • parasocial relationships:
      • one sided, unreciprocated usually with celebrity - expend energy, commitment + time
      • target individuals unaware of relationship
    • levels of parasocial relationships:
      • mccutcheon developed celebrity attitude scale - used large scale survey by maltby et al
    • types of relationships:
      • entertainment social - least intense, source of entertainment/gossip
      • intense personal - greater involvement e.g obsessive thoughts + feelings
      • borderline pathological - uncontrollable fantasies, extreme behaviour, willingness to perform illegal act
    • absorption addiction model (mccutcheon):
      • people form parasocial relationships because of deficiencies in own life - lack of fulfilment + poorly adjusted psychologically, allows for escape + finding fulfilment
      • someone who has ES may be triggered into intense involvement by personal crisis
    • absorption + addiction:
      • absorption - seeking fulfilment motivates person to focus attention of celebrity
      • addiction - needs to sustain commitment through stronger + closer involvement - may lead to extreme behaviour + delusional thinking
    • attachment theory:
      • tendency to form because of childhood attachment
      • insecure resistant - more likely, unfulfilled needs, no rejection, disappointment/breakup
      • insecure avoidant - less likely, prefer to avoid pain/rejection
    • EVALUATION: support for levels of parasocial relationships
      • maltby - linked levels to personality types e.g es = extroverted, ip = neurotic, bp = psychotic
      • relationship between celebrity worship + body image - ip tended to have poor image especially after admiring celebrity - ed
      • confirms prediction of correlation between each levels + poor psychological functioning
    • EVALUATION: lack of support for attachment explanation
      • mccrutcheon et al - 229 people, correlation between attachment types + levels
      • those with insecure no more likely to form relationships than secure
      • contradicts attachment theory - no link between attachment + levels
    • EVALUATION: methodological issues
      • rely on self report methods - social desirability bias
      • most research correlational, cause + effect cant be established - poor image + worship, people with poor image may engage in higher levels to increase self esteem
      • reasons for developing relationships may be different from ones in research
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