Long Term Memory

    Cards (12)

    • Bahrick - Duration research
      Participants are asked to name photos of classmates either by free recall or matching
      Recall better when recognising than free recall
      Suggests LTM lasts for decades
    • Bahrick - strengths
      Large sample so more representative findings
      Lab study so more control and internal validity
      Mundane realism
    • Bahrick - Weakness
      Not culturally diverse
      Lack internal validity due to individual differences and inability to control yearbook
    • Baddeley - Encoding research
      Procedure - Participants have to recall a list of semantically similar, acoustically similar and dissimilar words after 20 minutes
      Findings - The semantically similar words became jumbled and recall was lower
      LMT encodes semantically
    • Baddeley - Strengths
      Lab study so controlled therefore high internal validity
    • Baddeley - Weakness
      Not really measuring LTM (20 minutes isnt LTM)
      Lacks ecological validity / mundane realism
    • Tulving (1985) 

      Found three types of LTM - Procedural, Episodic, Semantic
    • Procedural
      Motor memories for actions and learned behaviours
      Implicit and Resistant to forgetting
      ‘Not available for conscious inspection’
    • Episodic
      Events with emotional significance
      Explicit and declarative
      ‘Available for conscious inspection’
    • Semantic
      Things and knowledge we can explicitly talk about
      ‘Available for conscious inspection’
    • Evaluation of Memory types
      Evidence from Clive Wearing - had an accident and is still able to play piano but not recall life events - supports distinction between procedural and episodic
      However a single case study may not apply to everyone (population validity)
    • Evaluation of Memory Types
      Evidence from neuroimaging - scans show episodic and semantic in prefrontal cortex, and procedural in the cerebellum - supports credibility of different LTMs
      However scans are based on blood flow which isn't a direct measure
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