Davie2013: Fundamentalists seek to establish islands of certainty against what they see as social and cultural chaos
Hawley1994: fundamentalists favour a world in which control over women’s sexuality, reproductive powers and their social and economic roles is fixed
Davie2013: fundamentalism occurs when orthodox beliefs are threatened by modernity. ‘Fundamentalists are themselves products of modernity, insofar as they are born out of the clash between modernity and traditional cultures’
Giddens1999: fundamentalism a reaction to globalisation which undermines traditional social norms such as gender and sexuality. In a late-modern world, we are confronted with choice, uncertainty and risk
Bruce2008: Main cause of religious fundamentalism as a reaction against today’s globalised world. Fundamentalism confined to monotheistic religions. Monotheistic religions are based on the notion of God’s will which is confined to a single authoritative text. In contrast, polytheistic religions lack a single authoritative text and thus there is too much scope for a single interpretation.
Bruce2008: In the west fundamentalism brought on by a reaction against changes within their society. In developing countries, fundamentalism is a reaction to external forces changing society.