any research that might have direct social consequences for the participants in there research or the group of people represented by the research
part of the study could offend a certain group in society
(example for 2 marker- Bowlbys theory could be used to coerce mothers into staying at home to look after children)
ethical implications are where the consequences of findings of the research affects wider groups in society
research studies- milgram - example of ethical issues
participants were deceived and were unable to give fully informed consent.
The experiment also caused significant distress- not protected from harm not aware the shocks were artificial believed they were causing potentially fatal harm, and the participants were told to continue against their will.
However the participants were debriefed after experiment
a follow-up interview that took place a year later suggested that the participants had suffered no long-term effects
Researchers must be mindful of the impact their research has on the participants involved in the research at the time of the research taking place, and when the research is published
SEIBER AND STANLEY came up with 4 considerations, to help to deal with socially sensitive research.
The research question: should not be leading to imposing prejudice or stereotypes; danger of appearing to add scientific credubility to them
questions such as ‘Are there racial differences in IQ?’ may be damaging to particular groups.
Conduct of research and treatment of participants: needs to be careful to maintain confidentiality and anonymity.
The institutional context: if research is being funded by a body/private institution, the researcher must consider how data is intended to be used and ensure not being misused;
Interpretation and application of findings: needs to be considered -Could their data or results be used to inform policy? Or be used in a way that was not initially intended
Bowlby- ethical implications of a theory
children form 1 special attachment bond, (usually w/mother) must take place within critical period.
this bond affects future relationships through internal working model.
contributed to the development of childcare practices,
howevs-could make mothers feel guilty for wanting to return to work, following childbirth.
or children raised in daycare negatively stereotyped, think there's nothing they can do about anxiety + inability to form relationships in adulthood as determined in childhood.