Cards (10)

  • laboratory experiment
    true experiment where an IV is manipulated and that takes place in a controlled, artificial setting - not necessarily a lab.
  • field experiment
    true experiment where an IV is manipulated and that takes place in a natural real life setting.
  • natural experiment
    Not a true experiment. The IV has changed, but this would have happened without the researcher, it is taking advantage of events that have occurred.
  • quasi-experiment
    Not a true experiment, in which the IV cannot be manipulated - it just exists.
  • Independant groups design

    design where each participant takes part in only one condition of the IV. Participants are randomly assigned to conditions to control participant variables.
  • repeated measures design
    design where all participants take part in both conditions of the IV. Participant variables are fully controlled.
  • Matched pairs design
    A design where participants take part in one condition only but matched with those in the other condition on certain participant variables.
  • Order effects
    In a repeated measures design, a confounding variable arising from the order in which conditions are presented.
  • Counterbalancing
    Steps which are taken to ensure that order effects do not influence the results - making sure the order of tasks is varied across participants. Also known as ABBA.
  • Cause and effect
    if x then y. true experiments are able to show cause and effect because an IV is manipulated and a DV is measured, so the manipulation of the IV causes the results measured in the DV.