The hawk group will continue to suppress the less advantage to continue to be on top of the food chain.
Emotional thought method develops a group of activities that can be used in a personal or group-oriented ways.
A life skills program enhances our abilities for adaptive and positive behavior, enabling us to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life.
Hope Theory uses goal, pathways, and agency (believing) to create a perceivable capability in driving your desired goals and achieve hope and forgiveness.
Main Frame Reframe is an approach of accepting reality and reframe the obstacles in a positive approach such as "all these things are done in your own good (Romans 8:28).
Essentialism provides a new perspective on "NO" and essential habits and protects the essentials.
Discrimination is the favoring of one group by using an illogical measure that is not relevant to the situation.
Discrimination can be justified if it favors a historically underprivileged class as they could use the advantage.
Labelling theory uses the so-called stereotyping that describes the difference of the group/member to the standard of norms may result in an internal devaluation and social stigma (disapproval) Example, men are stereotyped to wear pants while women must wear palda.
Game theory argues that “the individual player does not have a prior knowledge of the structure of the game that he plays repeatedly.
Instead, he accumulates experiences induced by occasional random trials in the repeated play.
Effective altruism is a philosophy and social movement that uses evidence and reasoning to determine the most effective ways to benefit others, encouraging individuals to consider all causes and actions and to act in the way that brings about the greatest positive impact, based upon their values.
Altruism gives us a lesson of sense self-sacrifice, teaching us how to be humble, be more cooperative, and make a sound attitude to live harmoniously in the same community.
Essentialism by Greg McKeown introduces a type of philosophical essentialism towards a good balance between the relationship with others and us in the context of essentialism.
Essentialism is a belief that things have a set of characteristics (essence or value) that make them what they are and that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery and expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence.
The view that all children should be taught on traditional lines the ideas and methods regarded as essential to the prevalent culture.
The view that categories of people, such as women and men, or heterosexuals and homosexuals, or members of ethnic groups, have intrinsically different and characteristic natures or dispositions.
A father had undergone a moral dilemma of choosing between his wife who is undergoing labor for their first-born child and a company meeting with a valuable client, both occurring at the same time and date.
The decision seemed like a big mistake, hurting his integrity, dignity, and relationships.
McKeown pointed out that "overstating the point to make it the pursuit of success can be a catalyst for failure, success can distract us from focusing on the essential things that produce success in the first place." (McKeown, 2018).
McKeown tells us we feel a "Learned Helplessness" that we feel that we don’t have a choice even if we do have a choice.
Choice-making may be between short-term comfort vs long-term satisfaction, usually you will choose the short-term comfort because it manages to get your needs promptly rather than the long-term satisfaction.
But the consequences of dissatisfaction follow because saying YES just due to it's an easy reward rather than we run the risk of having to say NO to a more meaningful one.