Operate cameras and equipment to ensure shots and scenes are in focus and captured according to the director's plan or script
Products- Video, film, TV
Production phase
Games Programmer/Developer
Generate computer game play an interactions according to a Game Design Document (GDD), flowchart or storyboard.
Test functionality during and/or after production
Product - Digital games
Production and Post-Production phase
Sound Editor
Operate editing software and equipment to trim, cut and edit captured sounds together to generate a final audio product according to a script or storyboard
Products- Audio for radio, TV, film, podcasts.
Production and Post-Production phase
Audio Technician
Select and operate recording equipment to ensure sound are captured at a suitable volume and clarity for use by the editor according to a script or storyboard
Products- Audio for radio, TV, film, podcasts.
Production phase
Video Editor
Operate editing software and equipment to trim, cut and edit video footage together generate a final video product according to a script or storyboard
Products- Video for TV, film, animation, websites, podcasts, interactive digital media
Production and Post-Production phase
Web Developer
Use programming and coding languages and software to create, test, upload and maintain web pages, websites and web applications based on a web designer's site map, wire frame or Ul design
Products- Webpages and websites, applications, interactive digital media