Largest cause of deforestation in Brazil is cattle ranching (65-70%)
about 1/2 (55%) of the world's temperate rainforests have been cut• Washington’s, Oregon’s and California’s 95% ancient rainforests gone• BC has about 1/4 of the world's remaining coastal temperate rainforest
Edge effect leads to reduced fragment sizeReduced fragment size- leads to reduced size ofpopulations and reduced number of species
Fossil fuels (coal, oil)were formed about 300million years ago from theforests and swamps ofthe Paleozoic
‘Black carbon is responsible for 50 percent of the total temperature increases in the Arctic from 1890 to 2007.
ozone (O3)- natural atmospheric gas-formed in stratosphere 20 km elevation absorbs ultra-violet radiation from the sun
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)- freon-’inert’ non-reactive solvent,-refrigerant, aerosol-rises high in the atmosphere
chlorofluorocarbons results in loss of atmospheric ozone as ultraviolet radiation strikes the CFC molecules and causes a chlorine molecule to break away which then collides with ozone and steals an oxygen. Then another oxygen atom collides freeing chlorine to destroy more ozone.
ozone hole allows greatly increasedpenetration of UV toearth’s surface
Burning of fossil fuels rich in sulphur results in increased acidity of precipitation
Acid rain results in major loss of forests and death aquatic ecosystems in lakes of northern hemisphere
Nuclear Power plants-uranium or plutonium for fuel-global electrical production ~10% in 2022~440 nuclear power plants in the world+++ high efficiency and require little fuel+++ few greenhouse gases -potential solution to continued use of fossil fuels----- however, high environmental, human and financial costs with failure
Top 3 uranium producers: Kazakhstan, Canada , and Australia.
“Silent Spring”-1962Rachel Carson-led to ban of DDT in US in 1972-world ban of DDT in 2002 (Stockholm Convention-still used to control insects in some tropical countries-major search for alternative control of insect pests
DDT has been linked to thinning eggshells in birds, which can lead to population declines and extinctions. It also accumulates in the food chain, leading to bioaccumulation and biomagnification.
Hunting is a major driver of biodiversity loss,
Major Exporters(alphabetical)• Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China,Columbia, Congo, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Nepal,Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, US
Major Importers (ranked from most to least)• EuropeanUnion, UK, US, UnitedArabEmirates,Canada, China, HongKong, Japan, Korea, Singapore,Taiwan, Yemen
Peru: 15,000 dolphins/y
Dolphins are used as shark bait
Canada: Newfoundland 100,000-400,000 seals killed per year (legal)App: $30 million revenue
Black Bear Current rates in BC--conservation officers kill 500-1000/y-10,000 Black bears/y killed legally (recreational),6000 bear killed illegally(gall bladders)
Major threats to integrity of earths ecosystems: 1) habitat modification, 2) Overfishing/overhunting, 3) introduction of exotic (non-native) species.
on average, a species persists for about 1 million y in the fossil record before disappearing
characteristic of natural extinction of a species is that it is replaced (usually outcompeted) by a different species(typically genetically related and in a similar niche)
Oceanic islands: ~25km2....extinction rate is ~10%/100 yrs~1km2...... extinction rate is ~50%/100 yrs
40% of amphibians, 33% of coral reefs, 34% of conifers, 31% of sharks and rays, 27% selected crustaceans, 25% mammals, and 14% of birds are at risk of extinction.
Earth is well outside of the safe operating space for humanity
Suess effect: burning fossil fuels releases CO2 without C14
Biomagnification - when top predators have the highest levels of toxins.
Research began towards identifying non-destructive biocides, leading to the discovery of of neonicotinoids. A natural insecticide related to nicotine, a common anti-browsing compound produced by plants.
Major loss of bee populations due to noenicitinoids. led to widespread colony collapse disorder (CDC).