The Changing Economic World

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  • The infant mortality rate is the number of babies who die before the age of 1, per thousand babies born.
  • Human Development Index (HDI) measures quality of life based on health, education and income
  • Life expectancy is how long people are expected to live on average
  • People per doctor is the total population divided by the number of doctors
  • The birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 people per year.
  • The death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people per year.
  • The HDI scale ranges drom 0 to 1, with 0 representing the lowest level of development and 1 representing the highest level of development
  • Access to safe water is the percentage of people who are able to regularly drink clean water
  • GNI is the total amount of money that a total population earns in a year. GNI per head is equal to the GNI divided by the country’s population
  • Literacy rate is the percentage of the adult population that can read and write
  • What do we call the difference in development between different countries?
    The Global Development Gap