The purpose of the integumentary history is to identify diseases of the skin, systemic diseases that have skin manifestations, physical abuse, risk for pressure ulcer formation, risk for skin cancer, and need for health promotion education regarding the skin.
The teacher directs the student to mark their place in the work tracker, which is a visual to help students track how much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.
Pitting edema is when the indentation is filled when pressure is applied, while non-pitting edema is when the indentation is not filled when pressure is applied.
When educating a patient about the risks of malignant melanoma, it is important to include factors such as red or light hair, freckles, immunosuppression, female gender, and age older than 60.
False nails or wigs, nail salon or gym visits, sun exposure, use of sunscreen, skin self-examinations, exposure to chemicals or radiations, hobbies, and diet are factors that can affect the skin.
Examining the skin can reveal overhydration, allow early identification of noncancerous lesions, rule out physical abuse, and allow early identification of risk factors for dehydration.