Anatomy - "the art of separating the parts of an animal/plant in order ascertain their position, relations, structure, function"
Physiology - study of the normal functions and phenomena of living things
Physiology - can be investegated at several different levels, from the cellular level through the functioning od discrete organs to the functioning of the whole animal
Morphology - study of form and function of how it become an integrated part of an organism, and how that becomes a factor in evolution of new forms
Organ system - complex of organs that functions together as a unit
Integumentarysystem - refers to the skin and its derivatives such as scales, hair, feathers, claws, and nails (exoskeleton)
Skeletal system - pertains to the inner skeleton (endoskeleton) that provide support, protection, and leverage for movement
Muscular system - skeletal muscles that provide movement
Digestive system - alimentary canal in the broad sense, including mouth and accessory structures (teeth, tongue, accessory digestive glands)
Respiratory system - breathing organs, gills or lungs, and associated structures
Hypothalamus - responsible for body temp, hunger, moods, and release of hormones from other glands; also controls shirts and sleep
Pituitary - "master gland"; produces a wide variety of different hormones that influence other endocrine glands
Testes - produce testosterone and sperm
Ovaries - produce estrogen, progeterone, and eggs
Exrcetory + Reproductive system = Urogenital system
Tympanum - hearing organ as well as the organ of balance and equilibrium
Eyes - pair of structures located in the orbit of the skull
Organs of the frog
Organsoftaste - tastebuds
Organsossmell - nasalepithelium
Organsofvision - eyes
Hearingorgan - tympanum
Organsofsense - sensorypapillae
Vagus nerve - innervates stomach, lungs, heart, larynx, esophagus, and muscles of the shoulder
Glossopharyngeal nerves - innervates muscle and mucus membrane of the pharynx and tounge
Auditory nerves - innervates inner ear
Facial nerves - innervates ears, muscle of the lower jaw and throat, skin of the throat, nasal cavities, and the roof of the mouth
Abducens nerves - innervates retractor bulbi and external rectus muscle of the eyes
Trigeminal nerves - innervates the lips, muscles of the mandible and tongue, and skin of the head
Trochlear nerves - innervates the superior oblique muscles of the eyes
Oculomotor nerves - innervates the iris, lens, upper eyelid, and the four muscles of the eye
Optic nerves - innervates the linings of the retina of the eyes
Olfactory nerves - innervates the inner linings of the nose
10 cranial nerves in frogs
Olfactory nerve
Optic nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Trochlear nerve
Trigeminal nerve
Abducens nerve
Facial nerve
Auditory nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Vagus nerve
Peripheral nervous system
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system - innervates structure associated with the body wall such as muscle, sense organs and glands
Autonomic nervous system - divided into parasympathetic and sympthetic nervous system
Spinal cord - carries nerve impulses from all over the body to the brain
Spinal cord - controls many of the body's involuntary actions
Hindbrain - consists of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata
Medula oblongata - exits the foramen magnun and enters the spinal cord. The vertebralcolumn protects the spinal cord
Midbrain - distinguished by a pair of optic lobes
Forebrain - made up of olfactory lobes, paired cerebral hemispheres, and an unpaired diencenphalon
Cranium or brain box - a bony structure that protects the brain