
Cards (130)

  • If an inmate is transferred to another jail or correctional institution, their carpeta must be forwarded to the new facility and received by the designated Records Custodian.
  • The concept of jail security encompasses both prevention and rehabilitation.
  • Jail security is necessary to safeguard the lives of people residing within the vicinity, those managing the jails, and inmates.
  • Minimum standards for jail security include a defined, controlled security perimeter, secured offices and visiting areas, operational CCTV, and a two-way communication system.
  • The inmate must provide necessary documents to request permission.
  • General precautions are taken during the transportation of inmates.
  • Escort personnel are authorized to use deadly force if necessary to protect themselves and the inmate.
  • The inmate can view the remains of a deceased relative if certain conditions are met.
  • The escort personnel have specific responsibilities and guidelines to follow.
  • Security procedures in jail include thorough searches of newly admitted inmates, surprise searches and inspections for contraband, and maintenance of key control and lock systems.
  • Emergency plans must be in place and regularly practiced, and strict control of firearms and anti-riot equipment is necessary.
  • If necessary, government records, supplies, and equipment should be evacuated to a safe place
  • A second alarm is sounded if the efforts of the Officer-in-Command fail
  • The available force may be divided into three groups: an assault contingent, a back-up force, and guards trained in firearms
  • All inmates must be locked up inside their respective cells/quarters at the sound of the first alarm
  • The fire crew shall immediately respond to the scene to put out the fire
  • An investigation should be conducted and a report submitted to the relevant authorities
  • The Control Center should prioritize emergency calls and prepare anti-riot equipment and firearms
  • If disturbances occur during visiting period, visitors should be ushered out and not allowed to leave until inmates are accounted for
  • The most senior officer present takes command and assesses the situation
  • If the inmates were evacuated and the jail is intact, they should be returned to the institution
  • If necessary, the jail population should be evacuated in an orderly manner
  • First aid should be administered to the injured and a count of inmates should be made after the all-clear alarm
  • All members of the security group on post should report to the Desk Officer
  • The Officer-in-Command directs the inmates to cease and desist using a public address system
  • Pre-determined plans of action should be in place to cope with riots or disturbances
  • When conditions become critical, the Officer-in-Command should sound the third alarm and request assistance from nearby police agencies and hospitals
  • After the incident, first aid should be administered, inmates should be counted, ring leaders and agitators should be segregated, security should be checked, and a thorough investigation should be conducted
  • All inmates should be locked in their cells, and personnel should be available for emergency response
  • Effective measures should be adopted to prevent similar incidents, and reports should be submitted to the relevant authorities
  • Pressurized water from a fire truck may be used if necessary
  • A simultaneous institution-wide count should be conducted to determine the number and identities of escapees
  • The identities of escapees should be immediately shared with relevant units and nearby stations should be notified
  • The first group should quell the riot and apprehend the leaders, withdrawing if met with stiff resistance
  • Personnel assigned to essential maintenance posts should remain on duty and report to the Control Center
  • The third group should be in strategic position, ready to fire if the guards are in danger
  • The selected marksman of the third group may be ordered to fire as a last resort, aiming at designated targets and taking caution to avoid harm to innocent individuals
  • In the event of a jail break, the Control Center should sound the alarm and notify the Warden or Desk Officer
  • All guards should be prepared for the assault
  • The second group should only use riot control gases on orders from the Officer-in-Command