
Cards (9)

  • Roland Barthes' semiotic theory includes hermeneutic codes, pro erotic codes, symbolic codes, semantic codes, and cultural codes, also known as referential codes.
  • Hermeneutic codes, also known as enigma codes, are elements of media products that require interpretation.
  • Pro erotic codes, also known as action codes, signify that something is going to happen as a result of an action.
  • Symbolic codes are images which have come to represent something else, such as a cross on a building representing Christianity or a heart symbolizing love.
  • Hermeneutic codes in media products are mysterious parts that engage the audience and make them want to continue reading or watching.
  • Prior etic codes in media products suggest that something is going to happen as a result of the narrative.
  • In media products, a proleptic code is a warning that something potentially dangerous is going to happen.
  • Cultural or referential codes in media products are parts that can only be understood if you are part of a particular culture. This can exclude people
  • Semantic codes are parts of a media product that we understand have a hidden meaning, such as the use of red and black in a horror movie signifying danger, death, and blood.