skinpuncture- technique of choice to obtain blood specimen from the ff:
newborns and pediatric
extremely obese patients
elderly patients with fragile veins
patienst whose veins are reserved for therapeutic purposes
severely burned patients
puncture site:
adult- palmar surface of the non dominant hand, 3rd or 4th finger
children (<1 yr old)- plantar surface of medial (toe) or lateral (little toe)
depth of incision in skin puncture:
adult: 2.0-2.5 mm
infants: <2 mm
avoid applying pressure/squeezing/milking of the site cause it can cause:
introduce excess interstitial fluid
order of draw of skin puncture:
tube for blood gas
EDTA microtainer
Other additive microtainer
Serum microtainer
warming of the puncture site can increase the bloodflow sevenfold. the site can be warmed using warm washcloth (40-42C) for no longer than 3-5 mins
most common antiseptic is 70% isopropyl alcohol
most common sites for venipuncture is the superficial veins of the antecubital fossa
in venipuncture, cleanse the site using friction scrub with movement of back and forth. distance: 3-4inchesabove the venipuncture site
two anatomical patter of venipuncture site/veins: H and M pattern
veins to be used (in order preference):
angle between the needle and the skin is <30 degrees.
tourniquet application:
length of time: <1min or 60 secs
effects of prolonged tourniquet application:
shortenedcoagulation times
EDTA- purple/Lavender top- most routinely used in hema determination
(8x inversion) -action is chelating of calcium. prevents platelet aggregation.
EDTA cuase swellingofplatelets (causes approximately 20% increase in MPV during the firsthour). should be based on EDTA specimens that are between 1-4 hrs old.
insufficient EDTA: overfilled tube ; presence of clots
excessive EDTA: underfilled tube ; dec in HCT and ESR, degenerative changes in WBC and RBC and increase PLT