The three key ingredients of the definition of CBBE are: Differential effect, Brand Knowledge, and Consumer response to marketing.
The starting point of establishing a strongbrandequity is crafting a uniquebrandpositioning.
Brand Knowledge is created through the sources of brand equity (brand awareness, brand image)
The objective of CBBE is to make consumers respond to your marketing.
Brand Knowledge is the key to creating Brand Equity.
Marketers need to make sure that the right knowledge about the brand exists in the minds of the consumers.
Brand Knowledge is a complex structure that includes Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand Meaning, Brand Responses, and Brand Relationship.
Brand Image is the summation of all the brandassociations that exist in the minds of consumers.
Brand awareness includes brand recognition and brand recall.
The four steps in building a strong brand are: Brand Identity, Brand Meaning, Brand Responses, and Brand Relationship.