The purpose of the Nursing Process is to identify a client's health status and actual or potential health care problems or needs, establish plans to meet the identified needs, and deliver specific nursing interventions to meet those needs.
At the end of the first cycle of the Nursing Process, care may be terminated if goals are achieved, or the cycle may continue with re-assessment, or the plan of care may be modified.
The Nursing Process is a systematic problem-solving approach used to identify, prevent, and treat actual or potential health problems and promote wellness.
The most current SCOPE AND STANDARDS OF NURSING PRACTICE includes SIX (6) PHASES OF NURSING PRACTICE: Assessment, Diagnosis, Outcome identification, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation.
Asking about any breathing problem such as APNEA (breathing stops and starts during sleep) or HYPOXIA (low levels of oxygen in body tissues) is a part of health assessment.
On-going or partial assessment is another type of assessment that takes place after the initial assessment to evaluate any changes in the client's functional health.
Self-perception and self-concept pattern in health assessment is focused on the person's attitudes towards self, including identity, body image, and sense of self-worth.
Values and belief pattern in health assessment is focused on the person's values and beliefs, including spiritual beliefs, goals that guide his/her decisions.
Sexuality and reproductive pattern in health assessment is focused on the person's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with sexuality patterns and reproductive functions.
FOWLER’S position is a semi-sitting position, in which the head and trunk are raised to between 15 and 45°, with a 30° elevation being the most frequently used bed angle.
HIGH FOWLER’S position is a position in which the head and trunk are raised 60° to 90°, most often meaning the client is sitting upright at a right angle to the bed.
LITHOTOMY position is a back-lying position with the patient's legs flexed in the chip (90 degrees) and abducted (30 degrees) in the hip, the knees are bent 70 to 90 degrees, and the lower legs are supported on padded leg shells.
DORSAL RECUMBENT position is a back-lying position with the knees flexed and hips externally rotated, a small pillow under the head, and the soles of the feet on the surface.
LATERAL position is a side-lying position with the patient's head and trunk raised to 45° to 60° relative to the bed, and the lower is positioned behind the client, the upper arm is flexed at the shoulder & the elbow.
SIMS position is a side-lying position with the lower arm behind the body, the upper leg flexed at the hip and knee, the upper arm flexed at the shoulder and elbow.
Examples of subjective data include itching, pain, feelings of worry, and the client's sensations, feelings, values, beliefs, attitudes, and perception of personal health status and life situation.