Society is an organized group of people and have a commonterritory and culture
Society to philosophers is a product of deliberateactions
Humans can influence society through their actions
the survivalofahuman being is essentially rooted in society and human relations
Natural state is an imagined humans removed from modernity and civilizations
Social contract theory, made during the enlightenment
Enlightenment philosophers: Thomas Hobbes, JohnLocke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau
according to Thomas Hobbes people in natural state are governed by their desires which led to conflict with their fellowmen.
according to Thomas Hobbes, social contract is an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to a higher authority
according to John Locke, people in their natural state are more cooperative and reasonable and society is formed through the consent of the individuals called "Consentofthegoverned"
Rousseau believes that the general will is what is best for everyone as a whole
according to John Locke if an authority fail, it will be discarded and replaced with a new one
according to Jean Jacques Rousseau, it was madness for people to forfeit their natural freedom
General will is the believed that even if the people are the ones who organized society and established an authority or government in extreme cases, the government can impose its will on the people
People have empowered the government to act on their behalf, which are the best judge of what is the most beneficial for society
Society, derived from the Latin word Socius which means a companion, association, or fellowship
Hobbes'Leviathan is considered as the first work of social contract theory
Society means humans always live in the company of their fellow human beings
George Simmel - remark that sociability is the essence of society
society refer to the members of specific groups like Dayak society in Borneo, refers to some institutions like the Society of Jesus, refers to an association like consumer's society, co-operative society, or cultural society
Society used in the sense of a group such as rural society or urban society
in Sociology, society refers to the complex pattern of the norms or interaction or relationship that arise among them
Society is abstract, not concrete, in nature
society is viewed as a process of living not a thing, a motion rather than structure
A system of social relationships is the most important aspect of society
according to sociologists, there are two types of definition of society structural and functional
Structural views of society - nothing but a structure
it refers to the social heritage of folkways, mores, ideals, institutions, and habits
four philosophers mentioned in the video: Morris Ginsberg, F.H. Giddings, G.D.H Cole, J.F. Cuber
Who from 4? Ginsburg
"A society is a collection of individuals united by certain relations or modes of behaviors which mark them off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from them in behavior."
Who from 4? Giddings
"...the union itself, the organization, the sum of formal relations in which associated individuals are bound together."
Who from 4? Cole
"society is the complex of organized associations and institutions within the community."
Who from 4? Cuber
"society may be defined as a group of people who have lived long enough to become organized and to consider themselves and be considered as a unit more or less distinct from other human units."
according to functional views of society, it is a process of social relationships
Functional views of philosophy philosophers: Robert Morrison Maclever, Charles H. Page, Talcott Parsons, Charles H. Cooley, and Eleanor Burke Leacock
Elements or characteristic of Society:
Society came from the latin word "Socius" that means companion, association, or fellowship
IN SOCIOLOGY: society refers not to a group of
people but to the complex pattern of the
norms or interaction or relationships that
arise among them
GEORGE Simmel To remark that sociability is the essence of
The person and the Society have a very dynamic relationship in which one cannot exist without the other