Data sampling

Cards (17)

  • what are the different types of random sampling
    simple random,stratified, systematic
  • what are the two types of non-random sampling
    quota sampling, opportunity sampling
  • define a population
    a whole set of items
  • define a census
    a measure of every member in a population
  • what is quantitative data
    numerical data
  • what is a qualitative data
    non-numerical data
  • what are the pros of a simple random sample
    free of bias, easy and cheap for small samples,each sampling unit has an equal chance if selection
  • what are cons of simple random sampling
    unsuitable for large samples,sampling frame needed
  • what are pros/advantages of systematic sampling
    simple and quick, suitable for large samples
  • what are cons of systematic sampling
    sampling frame needed, bias is introduced if frame isnt random
  • number sampled in a population = number in strata/number in population x sample size
  • what are the pros of a stratified sampling
    accurately reflects population structure,proportional representation of a group within a population
  • what are cons of stratified sampling
    population has to be placed in clear distinct strata, sampling frame needed for each stratum, bias if frame isnt random
  • what are the pros of quota sampling
    no sampling frame needed, quick easy and inexpensive, allows a small sample to be a valid representation of the population
  • what are cons of quota sampling
    bias, population has to be divided into different groups which is costly and sometimes inaccurate, non-responses not recorded,
  • what are pros of opportunity sampling
    easy + inexpensive
  • what are cons if opportunity sampling
    it isn't an accurate representation of the population, dependent on individual researcher