often used to replicate findings from CFA in different data
theory driven approach
the statistical model
A) observed score
B) true score on the latent construct
C) factor loading
D) measurement error
lambda, the factor loading
range from -1 to +1
higher factor loadings demonstrate a higher degree of association between the latent variable and that indicator
more of the variance in responses to that indicate is attributable to the latent factor than to measurement error
higher factor loadings - item is a better indicator of your latent construct
factor loadings lambda
factor loadings above .6 are desirable
factor loadings above .4 are acceptable
factor analysis involves
EFA - checks
sample size
rule of thumb > 300
correlations between variables
between 0.3 and 0.9 desirable
EFA - checks
KMO measure of sampling adequacy
values range 0-1 and you want >0.5 desirable
bartlett's test of sphericity
tests whether R matrix is an identity matrix
should be significant (p <0.05)
step 1 - extraction (how many factors are there)
how many factors to extract
factor analysis will extract as many factors as there are items ( but obviously we don't want this - the point of doing an FA is to reduce our factors)
Kaiser-guttman rule: factors with eigenvaluesgreater than one should be retained
an eigenvalue is the sum of the squared factor loadings for a given factor
the eigenvalue associated with each factor gives us an idea of how much variance in the observed items it has explained (we want factors that explain a lot of variance)
factor analysis
technique used to tell us how well we measure things and can be used for the following:
questionnaire development (e.g. carnism)
reduce the number of items in a questionnaire (e.g. getting rid of all the items you generated that don't reflect attitudes towards eating meat)
better understand the nature of psychological constructs (by telling us whether we are measuring 1 thing or multiple things
lambda - the strength of association between the observed variable and underlying latent variable
refresher: steps in running a factor analysis
three important steps
extraction - how many factors to extract
rotation - iterative process to decide what questionnaire item goes to which factor
interpretation - when you use theory ( and common sense) to label the final factors (dimension / latent constrcuts)
step 1 - extraction
kaiser-guttman rule: factors with eigenvaluesgreater than one
the scree plot
test-retest reliability
inter-rater reliability
internal consistency
cronbach's alpha
problem with split-half reliability
variables can be split randomly in many ways - many have different results
cronbach's alpha - basically accounts for every possible way to split the items up
ranges from 0-1 with higher values reflecting greater consistency
values > 0.7 desirable
tells us participants are answering questions in the same way