Gender - range of characteristics pertaining to, and differentiating between masculinity and femininity.
socioeconomic status - an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person’s work experience and of an individual or family’s economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.
ethnicity - cultural traits such as language, religion, or natural origin. When people integrate ethnicity as part of their identity and create a specific cultural, religious, or national community, they self-consciously form an ethnic group.
religion - unified system of beliefs and practices. related to sacred things that unite into one single moral community.
identity - distinctive characteristics that define an individual or are shares by those belonging to a particular group.
food taboos - muslims; eating pork
istambays - regarded as unruly, suspected as thefts, and other misdemeanors. They have difficulty in finding jobs due to inadequate opportunities in the Philippines.
political dynasties - groups whose members are involved in politics. Political dynasties can be seen in families that have been part of the government for many generations.
elections - formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office.
socialchange - transformations that alter the roles and status of people.
political change - there is an alteration in the way power and authority are exercised in a particular state.
anthropology - systematic study of man. It is important to fully comprehend the complex human species.
anthropos - man
logos - study or inquiry
social anthropology - how social patterns develop across different societies.
cultural anthropology - studies cultural variation.
linguistic anthropology - studies language
biological/cultural anthropology - process of human evolution, adaptation, and variation over time.
andrew heywood - describes the systematic study as the process where people make, maintain, and modify rules governing society. It focuses on equality, freedom and justice.
anthonygiddens - defined sociology as the study of human social life, groups, and society. It attempts to provide a deeper assessment of individual and economic, political and social factors.
sociology - study of social group or society.
anthropology - study of man
politicalscience - systematic study of politics
4 branches of anthropology - social,cultural,linguistic,biological/cultural anthropology