
Cards (7)

  • What is desensitisation?
    The process of reducing sensitivity or responsiveness to a stimulus.
  • Physiological Desensitisation = reduced physiological response/ SNS arousal
  • Normally when we witness aggression we experience arousal associated with the SNS
    • increased heart rate, blood pressure and sweat
    But when children repeatedly view aggression on TV or play violent video games the physiological effects are reduced
    • a stimulus that is usually aversive has a lesser impact
  • Psychological desensitisation
    Repeated exposure to violent media promotes a belief that aggression to resolve conflict is socially acceptable
    • negative attitued towards violence weaken
    • less empathy felt for victims
  • Weisz and Earls (1995)
    • showed participants the film, Straw Dogs (contains graphic rape scene)
    • Males showed greated acceptance of rape myths after watching re-enacted rape trial, compared with male viewers of a non-violent film
    • Also showed less sympathy to victim and were less likely to find dependent guilty
  • Research support-A03
    Krahe et al. (2011)
    • showed violent and non-violent films while measuring physiological arousal
    • habitual viewers of violent media showed lower arousal and gave louder bursts of white noise to a confederate without being provoked- proactive aggression
    This lower arousal in violent media users reflects desensitisation to the effects of violence and it was also linke to greater willingness to be aggressive
  • Desensitisation can’t explain some aggression- A03
    Krahe et al.’s study didn’t link media viewing and arousal with provoked/ reactive aggression
    May be due to catharsis provided by violent media
    • Viewing violent media helps release aggressive impulses without violence
    So not all aggression is the result of desensitisation and alternative explanations may be more valid