Last JS3

Cards (12)

  • Precedence refers to the way in which the operator binds to its operand, such as, should addition be done
  • . An expression combines a group of values to make a new value
  • An operator manipulates data objects called operands
  • Data objects can be manipulated in a number of ways by the large number of operators provided by JavaScript
  • Unary operator only requires one operand
  • The conditional operator is called a ternary operator because it requires three operands.
  • Conditional operator - It is often used as a shorthand method for if/else conditional statements.
  • The ParseInt Method - This method converts a string to a number. It starts parsing at the beginning of the string and returns all integers until it reaches a non-integer and then stops parsing. If the string doesn't begin with an integer, NaN[2] (not a number) is returned.
  • The parseFloat() method is just like the parseInt() method except that it returns a floating-point number
  • The JavaScript Number() method converts strings to numbers.
  • The eval() method evaluates a string of JavaScript statements and evaluates the whole thing as a little program, returning the result of the execution.
  • The eval() method takes a primitive string as its argument, not a String object. If a String object is used, it will be returned as is.