Reading and Writing: Intro

Cards (10)

  • Accuracy - refers to the ability of the person to understand anything that he/she reads
  • Fluency - refers to the ability of the person to read smoothly (considering correct enunciation, pauses, and punctuation)
  • Reading - a communication process that involves both a sender and receiver
  • Good readers are strategic, motivated, socially active and mentally engaged
  • Not a basic skill - it’s a continous learning of different set of skills
  • Complex process - it’s going thru different stages, understanding text may be different from others (each encounter adds to schemata)
  • Schemata - combination of knowledge and experience
  • Situationally bound - reading and understanding varies depending on the text we read and the stiuation/condition we are in (Read and be exposed to more types of advanced skills)
  • Not the same as decoding - knowing what words mean is just one stage, reading requires more than simply knowing the meaning of words
  • Proficiency requires characteristics - one has to acquire both accuracy and fluency to achieve proficiency