L1 Development: The Linear Stages Model

Cards (7)

  • What is the main focus of development? on the economic aspect
  • Who was the most influential proponent of the"linear stages model" of development? Walt Whitman Rostow
  • What are the 5 stages of growth that a country would undergo in the process of development? Traditional Pre-conditions for take-off Take-off Drive to maturity Age of high-mass consumption
  • What were the pre-conditions imposed by developed countries on developing ones for development? Free trade Economic aid
  • To Rostow, what are the two most important ingredients before the take-off stage? The great watershed The state of dependence
  • How does Rostow describe the take-off stage? A Welfare State
  • Essay: What is meant by Interdependence? It is a model of development that countries suffering from underdevelopment develop from a traditional and underdeveloped stage undergoing industrialization. The goal is post-industrial welfare stage. It is the result of the sharing between countries in the process of production and exchange.