Lecture 2

Cards (12)

  • Quadruple Squeeze: simultaneous pressures on the Earth System
    • Population growth
    • Climate change
    • Ecosystem decline
    • Surprise
  • Population growth:
    • "20/80 dilemma" - 20% of the world's population are responsible for most acceleration of environmental pressures, yet 80% are those most vulnerable to the impacts
  • Climate change:
    • affects all biophysical systems
    • 550/450/350 dilemma - we want no more than 450ppm but are headed for 550ppm and higher
  • Ecosystem decline:
    • healthy ecosystems vital in functioning and provide important services
    • 60% loss dilemma - over 60% of ecosystem functions have declined over the last 70 years
  • Surprise/Uncertainty:
    • changes to climate system and ecosystems occur abruptly, irreversibly and are hard to predict
    • 99/1 dilemma - 99% of the changes tend to result form 1% of events
  • Tipping point: the potential extreme dangers that exist beyond the current challenges faced by the earths ecosystems - which could alter its state - may be irreversible
    • Thresholds beyond which they cannot recover
  • Resilience: the ability of a system to maintain key functions and processes in the faces of stresses or pressures - resists then adapts to change
  • Resilient systems: adaptable, flexible and able to cope with change and uncertainty
  • Planetary Boundaries: 9 processes that regulate the stability and resilience of the Earth system
    • quantitative - within which humanity can continue to develop and thrive
    • crossing these boundaries - increases risk of large-scale abrupt of irreversible environmental changes
  • Examining the Planetary Boundaries Chart:
    • Green: process is within the safe operating space - boundary has not been crossed
    • Orange: boundary has been crossed - the bigger the wedge the higher risk of destabilising the earth system
    • Grey: process is not yet quantified - not sure how to measure it although it is important
  • A planetary boundary is placed well before reaching the threshold of an earth-system process
  • 9 planetary boundaries:
    • Freshwater change - green water (orange), freshwater (grey)
    • Stratospheric ozone depletion - grey
    • Atmospheric Aerosol Loading - grey
    • Ocean acidification - grey
    • Biochemical flows - orange
    • Novel entities - orange
    • Land-system change - orange
    • Biosphere integrity - grey and orange
    • Climate change - orange