Gram-positive, most of them are strictly anaerobic, non-sulfate reducing, rod shaped bacteria able to form endospores
Bacterial Diarrhea
Gram-negative, microaerophilic, spiral-shaped, “S”-shaped, or curved, rod-shaped bacteria
Can be found as normal flora
E. coli 0157:H7
Binds to intestinal lining → begins producing Shiga toxin → disrupts protein synthesis in epithelial cells → cell death → sloughing of lining
Adheres and invades epithelial cells in mucosa and submucosa→ attach specifically to endocytic cells in Peyer’s patches to create inflammation → secretes endotoxin & exotoxin → forces cells to create ethanolamine (“food” source) → replicates in macrophages → inflammation impairs absorption
Produces a spore once reaches small or large intestine → spore produces enterotoxin (& others) → damages intestinal lining cells → causes inflammation and sloughing of tissue
Attaches to enterocytes on mucosal lining → releases enterotoxin & cytotoxin → causes IgA production → increases inflammation and permeability of interstitial fluids into lumen
Bacterial Diarrhea- Clinical Signs
Acute diarrhea
Some cases will be persistent over extended period of time
May or may not have blood
Blood most common with salmonella
Bacterial Diarrhea- Clinical Signs
Mild-severe lethargy
Anorexia (not eating)
Painful abdomen
+/- fever (hyperthermia)
+/- vomiting
Bacterial Diarrhea- Physical exam
Painful on abdominal palpation
vomiting/retching in the exam room
Defecation in the exam room
+/- delayed capillary refill time and exaggerated skin turgor
How do we Diagnose (Bacterial Diarrhea)?
Rule out other causes of diarrhea
Fecal float to rule out parasites
Rads to rule out foreign body or abdominal mass
CBC/chem to rule out hepatic, renal, metabolic, and endocrine diseases
How do we Diagnose (Bacterial Diarrhea)?
Rule out other causes of diarrhea
Fecal float to rule out parasites
Rads to rule out foreign body or abdominal mass
CBC/chem to rule out hepatic, renal, metabolic, and endocrine diseases
How do we Diagnose (Bacterial Diarrhea)?
Fecal smear
Smear small amount on a slide, heat fix, and stain with crystal violet or methylene blue
Examine under microscope
How do we Diagnose (Bacterial Diarrhea)?
GI profile
PCR panel of most common bacteria
Bacterial cultures (rarely used)
Bacterial Diarrhea- Treatment
Antibiotics +/- SQ fluids depending on dehydration
Hospitalization very rare unless significant damage