Cards (19)

  • what is the population?
    refers to the large group of individuals that the researcher is interested in studying
  • what is a target population?
    a subset of the general population, more specific
  • what is a sample?
    a smaller group selected from the target population
  • what is a random sample?
    where all members of the target population have an equal chance at being selected
  • what is a systematic sample?
    where every nth number of the target population is selected
  • what is a sampling frame?
    a list of the target population, organised by alphabetical order ect
  • what is a stratified sample?
    where the sample reflects the proportions of the target population
  • what is an opportunity sample?
    a sample of chance, asking whoever is around at the time of research
  • what is a volunteer sample?
    participants volunteer to be part of the research
  • strengths of random sample
    potentially unbiased
  • weakness of random sampling
    difficult and time consuming to conduct
    may end up with an unrepresentative sample
    participants may refuse to take part
  • strengths of systematic sampling
  • weaknesses of systematic sampling
    time consuming
    may refuse to take part
  • strengths of stratified sampling
    produces a representative sample so results can be generalised
  • weakness of stratified sample
    complete representation of the target population isnt possible
  • strengths of an opportunity sample
    convenient, less costly and less time consuming
  • weaknesses of an opportunity sample
    unrepresentative sample so biased, the findings cant be generalised
  • strengths of volunteer sample
    participants are willing so will place more effort and engage in the research
  • weakness of a volunteer sample
    volunteer bias, they may share certain traits such as wanting to be helpful so generalisation is limited