biology and cognition

Cards (19)

  • an animal's capacity for conditioning is contrained by its biology
  • Garcia and Robert Koelling: researched the effects of radiation on laboratory animals; taste aversion
  • taste aversion: if you get sick after eating a food, you tend to avoid it afterwards
  • we are biologically predisposed to learn things that affect our survival
  • instinctive drift: naturally occuring behaviors that interfere with operant responses
  • Robert Rescorla and Allan Wagner: showed that an animal can learn the predictability of an event; tone + light - shock (they learn to fear the tone)
  • Edward Chase Tolman and C.H. Honzik: experimented with rats and mazes; rats that explored a maze developed a cognitive map
  • cognitive map: mental representation of the maze
  • latent learning: learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it (hidden learning)
  • insight: a sudden realization of a problem's solution
  • intrinsic motivation: a desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake
  • extrinsic motivation: a desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment
  • coping: alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods
  • problem- focus coping: alleviate stress directly by changing the stressor of the way we interact with it
  • emotion-focused coping: alleviate stress by avoiding or ignoring stressor and attending to emotional needs
  • learned helplessness: the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated adverse events (uncontrollable event --> perceived lack of control --> generalized helpless behavior )
  • Martin Seligman: experimented with dogs and shocked them; discovered learned helplessness
  • Julian Rotter: external locus of control ( the perception that chance or outside forces determine their fate) and internal locus of control ( belief that people control their own destiny)
  • self- control: the ability to control impulses and delay short- term gratification for longer-term reward