OccupationalSafety and HealthAdministration (OSHA)
Clinical and LaboratoryStandardsInstitute (CLSI)
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) ✓ Inspection ✓ Accreditation
OSHA Public Law 91-596 Enacted by US Congress in 1970
OSHA's Three Lines of Defense 1: EngineeringControls
OSHA's Three Lines of Defense 2: Administrative and WorkPractice Controls
OSHA's Three Lines of Defense 3: PersonalProtectiveEquipment
Elimination - Physically remove the hazard
2. Substitution - Replace the hazard
3. EngineeringControls - Isolate people from the hazard
4. AdministrativeControls - Change the way people work
5. PPE - Protect the worker with Personal Protective Equipment
RadiationHazard - lonizing radiation can damage living tissue inthe human body
CompressedGases -All compressed gases are hazardous becauseof the high pressures inside the cylinders.
ErgonomicHazard - Causes strain disorders
Primary contributing factors of ergonomic hazard: Posture, Appliedforce, Frequency of repetition
Identification of Health HazardColor Code: BLUE
Identification of FlammabilityColor Code- RED
Identification of Reactivity (Stability)Color Code: YELLOW
FLAMMABLE - Materials which burn or ignite.Examples: Acetonitrile, Methanol, Diesel Fuel,Mineral Spirits
CORROSIVE - Materials which cause visibledestruction and/or irreversible alterations atpoint of contact.Examples: Acetic Acid, Photographic Fixer,Sodium Hydroxide
REACTIVE - Materials which are liable toexplode or react violently on contact with air,water or other chemicals.Examples: Benzoyl Peroxide, Nitric Acid, PicricAcid, Silane, Sodium Metal
TOXIC - Materials which cause harm if theyenter the body, such as carcinogens, mutagens,and poisons.Examples: Benzene, Bromine, Powdered Inksand/or Pigments, Sodium Azide, Formaldehyde
IRRITANT - Materials which cause harm byirritating the eyes and/or skin, and cause allergicreactions, drowsiness, lack of coordinationand/or organ damage.
ENVIRONMENTALHAZARD - Materialswhich are toxic and/or cause harm to theenvironment at large, particularly aquatic animalsExamples: Anthrax, Arsenic, Asbestos, Lead,Mercury, Oil
MSDS - materialsafetydatasheet
old name of clsi is NCCLS - nationalcommittee for clinicallaboratorystandards