Cards (13)

  • Keihoryo (Police Bureau within the Ministry of Home affairs to 1945)
  • Japanese Colonial Government - the one which organized the first formal policing in China
  • Japanese Yakuza - considered as the center of Asian organized crime action
  • National Public Safety Commission - a government body responsible for the administrative supervision of the police. Under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister 
  • Japan National Police Agency (NPA) - a totally gun less police force, except for its special attack team. 
  • National Police Agency - provides training to police officers and conduct academic research
  • National Research Institute of Police Science - conducts research in police science
  • Imperial Guards - provides escort to the Emperor. Empress, Crown Prince and other Imperial family responsible for the security of Imperial Palace 
  • Regional Police Bureau - exercise control and supervision over regional police offices and provide support with the prefectural police
  • Director General - heads each Regional Bureau acting upon orders from the Commission General
  • Regional Police Bureau - the local organizations to carry out part of the NPA's functions. There are about 7 Bureaus in the major cities except for Tokyo and Hokkaido where in Tokyo, Metropolitan Police department (headed by Superintendent General) has long been established and shares the same location with the NPA. The Prefectural Police have the whole of Hokkaido under its jurisdiction. 
  • Prefectural Public Safety Commission (PPSC) - administrative commission functioning under the representative system which supervises the prefectural police. Under the Jurisdiction of the Governor. Though not empowered to give order to the Commission. 
  • Koban - a system of policing adopted in Japan, a substation near major transportation hubs and shopping areas and in residential districts which forms the first line of police response to the public. • Koban is usually staffed by 3-5 officers and about 7000 residential police boxes (Chuzaisho- staffed by a single officer). About 40% of the police are assigned to Koban.