Phone is a physicalrealization of a mental representation of a speechsound.
Phoneme is the smallestmeaninglesscontrasiveunit of language.
Allophone is a predictable positional variant of a phoneme occuring in and restricted to well defined enviornments
Complimentary distribution of sounds- sounds occur in different or mutually exclusive enviornments and are allophones of the same phoneme
Contrasive distribution of phonemes- involves two or more sounds that occur in identical enviornments and they bring about the contrast in meaning
Allophoninc processes mediate between and underlying (abstract) representation of sounds and surface (phonetic) repsentation
Characteristic of assimilation- two neighbouring phonemes becvome alike each other in terms of their phonetic properties
Assimilation in terms of of place of articulation is when sound changes its place of articulation to another place, which depends on the place of articulation in another sound
Assimilation in terms of manner of articulation is when two neighbouring sounds become similar in their manner of articulation, two adjacents sounds are merged to create a new sound.
assimilationintermsofvoice is when one of phonemelooses'part' of its voicing across word boundaries
assimilation occurs when voicelessplosives become aspiratedvoicelessplosiveword or syllableinitiallybefore a stressedvowel
vowelreduction occurs when laxvowels are reduced to weak vowel when unstressed
Syllable is made out of onset; nucleus; coda
Onset is consonant that comes at the beginning of a syllable, consisting of up to 3 consonants
Coda is consonants that come at the end of a syllable consisting of up to 4 consonants
Phonotactic rules are restirictions of possible combination of consonants in onset and coda positions
3-consonant onsents permissible in english are : pre-initial C ->Initial C -> Post-initial C
In twosyllableverbssecondsyllable is stressed when it contains a longvowel, a diphtong or more than one consonant in coda
Intwosyllable verbs first syllable is stressed when the secondsyllable contains a short vowel, one or none consonants in coda or a diphtong
Inthreesyllableverbsmiddlesyllable is stressed when the finalsyllable contains a short vowel, has no more than one consonant in coda
Inthreesyllable verbs finalsyllable is stressed when it contains a longvowel or a diphtong and more than one consonant in coda
Intwosyllablenouns first syllable is stressed if the second syllable contains a shortvowel
In three syllable nouns middle syllable is stressed when it contains a longvowel, a diphtong or has morethanoneconsonant in coda and the final syllable contains a shortvowel or a diphtong (shwa-u)
In threesyllablenouns first syllable is stressed when the finalsyllable contains a shortvowel and has only oneconsonant in coda, its also stressed when the finalsyllable contains a longvowel
Twosyllableadjectives are stressed according to rules of twosyllableverbs
Threesyllableadjectives are stressed according to the rules of threesyllablenouns
Morpheme is the smallestmentalunits of language that are capable of being associated with meaning
Morphs are the actual segments of words
Allomorphs are predictablevariants of morphemes
Inflectional morphemes carry grammaticalinformation; they carry meaning associated with grammatical category:- number, case, gender, definitness, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, degree
Inflectionalendings can attach to newlycreatedwords or newwordsborrowedfromotherlanguages : plural, possesive -s; tense -ed -ing; comparison -er -est
Unproductive inflectional endings are foundonselectedmembersofaclass but would neverbeaddedtonew;
singular / -> plural / ;en singular -us ->plural -I singular is -> plural -es singular on; um -> plural a singular ex -> plural ces;xes
infinitive / -> past tense n participle /; (e)n; t
The occurence of a particular allomorph is predictable from the phonetic environment, it is not random but conditioned by the final phoneme of the steam
[past]->[shwa-d]/ [long l] or [d]; [long l]/ c [-voice] ; [d]/elsewhere
Conversion is a change in lexicalcategory and meaning without the addidion of any derivational morphemes
Propernouns -> commonnouns
Wellingto -> wellington
Compoudin is a proces by which two or more free roots and associatedaffixesarecombinedtogether e.g:
A+N>N Mad Man
N+N>V Skydive
A+V+-ing > A Easy-going
Blending is a morphologicalprocess by which two free roots are combinedtogether and theend of the first root and the beggining of the second root are clipped
smog > sm(oke) + (f)og
Shortening is a deletion of sounds segments without respect to morphological boundaries