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  • bacteria belongs to the Kingdom Monera
  • All members of Kingdom Monera are prokaryotes
  • a prokaryote does not have a membrane bounded nucleus or membrane bounded organelles
  • bacteria are single celled organisms that are found in all parts of the biosphere
  • Types of bacteria - rod-shaped, round and spiral
  • reproduction in bacteria is asexual - method called binary fission
  • if conditions suitable - bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes
  • an endospore is a thick tough-walled, dormant, dehydrated bacterial cell formed during unsuitable conditions
  • autotrophs - photosynthetic and chemosynthetic
  • photosynthetic - some bacteria have chlorophyll on their membrane (no chloroplasts). they use light to produce food eg. purple sulphur bacteria
  • chemosynthetic - they make food using chemicals eg. nitrifying bacteria
  • heterotrophs - saprophytes and parasites
  • saprophytes - take in their food from dead organisms eg. bacteria of decay in the soil
  • parasites - live in or on another organism causing harm eg. strep throat
  • factors affecting growth - temperature, oxygen concentration, pH, external solute concentration, pressure
  • a pathogen is a disease causing orgaisms
  • Pathogenic bacteria is disease causing bacteria
  • beneficial bacteria - used to make yoghurts and cheese, bacteria in our intestines
  • harmful bacteria - cause food spoilage and can cause dieases like tb or strep throat
  • antibiotics are substance produced by micro-organisms that kill or prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi - they have no effect on viruses
  • lag phase - bacteria are adjusted to their environment - growth is slow to begin with as bacteria start to produce the enzyme they need to break down the substrate present
  • log phase - bacteria have adjusted to their environment and start to digest the substrate very quickly and the rate of cell division is at its maximum
  • stationary phase - nutrients start to run out and waste products start to build up - rate of growth slows down - the graph shows a horizontal line at this stage because the rate at which new cells are being produced is equal to the rate at which other cells are dying
  • decline phase(death phase) - nutrients have almost run out and the toxins are at high levels - death of bacteria is much higher than the rate of reproduction
  • survival phase - when conditions are unfavourable some bacteria form endospores - they are very resistant to heat and can remain dormant for years
  • two main types of food processing - batch and continous flow