Idiographic and Nomothetic AO3

Cards (5)

  • Idiographic contributes to the nomothetic approach. The Idiographic approach uses in depth qualitative methods which provide detail, complementing the nomothetic approach. Case studies such as HM may reveal insight in regard to normal functioning which contributes to our overall understanding. This suggests that even though the focus is on fewer individuals, it may help form scientific laws of behaviour.
  • +both approaches fit with the aims of science. Nomothetic research seeks objectivity through standardisation, control and statistical testing. Idiographic research also seeks objectivity by triangulation (comparing a range of studies) and reflexivity (researchers examine own biases). This suggests that both approaches raise psychology’s status as a science.
  • +-both approaches work together. However, the idiographic approach on its own is restricted, has no baseline for comparison, is unscientific and subjective. Therefore its difficult to build effective general theories of human behaviour in the complete absence of nomothetic research.
  • -individual experience is lost: the nomothetic approach focuses on general laws and may lose the whole person within psychology. Knowing about a 1% lifetime risk of schizophrenia says little about having the disorder, which would be useful for therapeutic ideas. This means that the nomothetic approach may sometimes fail to relate to the experience while searching for generalities.
  • Each approach is distinct and appropriate for different situations: Schaffer describes general stages of attachment (nomothetic) whereas case stories of extreme neglect highlight subjective experience (idiographic).
    It’s suggested they may be two ends of a continuum. When diagnosing personality disorders, clinicians begin with general nomothetic criteria and then focos on the individualistic unique needs (Millon). This suggests that these approaches aren't just one extreme or the other extreme and we can consider the same topic through both perspectives.