Cards (4)

  • Meyer Wolfshiem is a direct analogy to Arnold Rothstein - a real life gambler and organised crime leader who fixed the world series in 1919 like Meyer Wolfshiem is said to have done.
  • Meyer Wolfshiem is first met in a basement speakeasy, which was an illicit establishment selling alcoholic beverages during the prohibition era.
  • 'I raised him up out of nothing, right out of the gutter.' Meyer Wolfshiem pg162

    Wolfshiem was the driving force behind G's rags to riches. Though a minor character - he is fundemental to the wealth of G.
  • 'it never occurred to me that one man could start to play with the faith of fifty million people - with the single mindedness of a burglar blowing a safe'
    Nicks ignorance to the WC seen through his juxtaposition of quantifiers that connote an impossibility for these fantastical characters like Gatsby + MW to exist.
    In brash, bright daylight