Large intestine is where water is reabsorbed , and faeces is stored
Vitamin A is used to maintain good vision, healthy skin and strong immunity against infection. Sources include dairyproducts and oily fish
iron is used to produce hameoglobin. sources include liver, red meat,beans and nuts
Vitamin c is used to help heal wounds and maintain healthy connective tissue. Sources include citrus fruits and leafy green vegetables
Dietary fibre is used to keep the digestive system healthy sources include whole grain cereals and fruit and vegetables
Lipids are used for storing energy sources include fats and oils
Chemical elements present in lipids are carbon hydrogen and oxygen
Balanced diet includes, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water and dietary fibre
Peristalisis is the muscles in the oesophagus contract above the bolus to push food down the oesophagus, muscles work together to produce wave like contractions
Energy requirements vary with activitylevels,age and pregnancy
Test for starch reddish-browniodine solution turnsblue-black
Small intestine is where food is absorbed into the blood through the villi
Vitamin D is used to maintain healthy bones and teeth sources include eggs, oily fish and cereal fortified with vitamin d
Chemical elements present in carbohydrates are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
As temperature increases so does the rate of enzyme activity. An optimum activity is reached at the enzymes optimum temperature. Continued increase in temperature lesds to sharp decrease in activity enzymes active site changes shape-now denatured
Villi are covered in a thin layer of cells (digestedfood does not have to travel far to be absorbedintothebody) well supplied with blood capillaries ( maintains a high concentration gradient) villi contains lacteals (carry lipid droplets seperate from rest of the food molecules lipids don’t absorb well in blood)
Structure of carbohydrates is starch and glycogen from simple sugars
Protein-amino acids protease
Pancreas produces digestive enzymes
Blood capillary- bloodremovesabsorbed molecules helps maintain a high concentration gradient for diffusion
Bile is a liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder which is highly alkaline and emulsifies lipids and neutralises stomach acid
Villi are finger like extensions increase surface area for diffusion
Mouth is where food enters the alimentary canal and digestion begins
Calcium is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth, for normal blood clotting and to control musclescontractions sources include cheese and eggs and milk
Each enzymes works best at a specific PH value a continued increase in PH leads to a sharp decrease in enzyme activity as the enzymes active site changes shape it is now denatured
Test for protein biuretsolution turns from blue to purple
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy sources include breads, grains, pasta
Protein is for growth and repair sources include meat and fish
Test for glucose blue beneditctssolution turns orange/red after heating
Lipids-fatty acids and glycerol lipases
Enzymes are biological catalysts that help speed up metabolism
Stomach is the muscular organ where the movement of the muscular wall churns up the food into a liquid
Oesophagus is the muscular tube which moves ingested food to the stomach by peristalsis
Starch-glucose amylase and Maltase
Alimentary canal is the digestive tube that extends from mouth to anus
Lacteal absorbs lipids
Test for fat ethanol should form a white emulsion layer
Chemical elements present in protein are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen