types of data

    Cards (20)

    • what does qualitative data focus on?
      thoughts and feelings and it usually involves some form of interview or observations
    • is qualitative data meaningful and detailed?
    • how is qualitative data collected?

      unstructured interviews, case studies, open questionnaires, some observational studies
    • how can you draw conclusions from qualitative data?
      • data needs to be categorised ( pre-existing, set before analysis) and emergent (find during analysis)
      • categories summarise the data and evidenced with quotes from actual research
    • what are the strengths of how to draw conclusions from qualitative data?
      highly detailed, high validity, meaningful
    • what are the weaknesses of how to draw conclusions from qualitative data?

      hard to replicate, subjective during analysis, time consuming to analyse
    • quantitative data
      • less meaningful as info has a narrow focus
      • can become qualitative
    • how do you collect quantitative data?
      experiments, correlations structures observations, structured interviews, closed questions
    • what are the strengths of collecting quantitative data?
      easy to analyse, easy to replicate
    • what are the weaknesses of collecting quantitative data?
      less meaningful, lacks ecological validity
    • what are the types of data collection?
      • primary data
      • secondary data
      • meta-analysis
    • what is primary data?
      researcher collects research first hand
    • what are the strengths of primary data?
      researcher has control over the data, applicable and relevant to this research
    • what are the weaknesses of primary data?
      very lengthy therefore very expensive (designing and recruiting ppts)
    • what is secondary data?
      research that already has been collected by another researcher (for their purpose)
    • what are the strengths of secondary data?
      easier and cheaper to use others data, less time consuming, such data will have been statistically tested (significance is known)
    • what are the weaknesses of secondary data?
      the data may not fit the needs of the study. Data may be outdated
    • what is meta-analysis?
      lots of studies with similar hypotheses are drawn together and 1 conclusion is drawn
    • what are the strengths of meta-analysis?
      increases validity of conclusions, the sample is larger than the original, increases generalisability
    • what are the weaknesses of meta-analysis?
      many confounding variables, sample sizes, who the sample are. researcher selects studies (so may only choose specific ones)
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